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It’s About Time! Planning, Prioritizing, and Time-Management Solutions for Students

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Sharon Saline, Psy.D. Each Fall, many families dive headfirst into big ideas for doing things differently in the new school year… only to see those hopes and ambitions unravel before Halloween.  In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline will show you how to change self-defeating cycles by improving key executive functioning skills related to productivity for students. Many children […]


How to Organize a Messy Home: Strategies for Clutter and Stress in ADHD Families

Online Meeting

EXPERT:  Tracy McCubbin Few things cause more strife in a household than clutter and disorganization. When a home is messy, and things are hard to find, it can make everyone feel stressed. Families touched by ADHD can thank weak execution function skills for this all-too-common scenario. And here’s what can add another layer of conflict: When only some […]


Ensuring Success This School Year: Strategies for Neurodiverse Students and Families

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Carolyn Rankin-Boutin, Executive Director of the Centre for Diverse Learners Join us on September 11th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for a workshop designed to set your child up for success this school year. Hosted by our Executive Director, Carolyn Rankin-Boutin, this session will provide practical strategies for neurodiverse students and their families. […]


Strategies for Managing Students’ Emotional Dysregulation in Class

Online Meeting

EXPERT:  Cheryl Chase, Ph.D. Navigating students’ emotional dysregulation can be one of the most challenging aspects of classroom management. In this one-hour webinar, educators will learn how to engage both proactive and reactive strategies for effectively managing emotional dysregulation in students. Proactive Strategies Include: Building a Supportive Classroom Environment: Learn techniques for creating a classroom atmosphere that promotes emotional […]


Rethinking Challenging Behaviour – An Introduction to Collaborative Problem Solving®

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Matt Sticksl Working with children and teens who demonstrate challenging behaviours can be difficult, stressful, and complex.  Collaborative Problem Solving® (CPS) is a compassionate, evidence-based, trauma-informed approach that provides a philosophy and tools to address challenging behaviour.   This approach is used across North America to build skills and relationships with students while reducing […]


Career Coaching Your Teen

Foothills Academy Community Services 745 - 37 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

EXPERT: Laurel Braun The world of work has changed a lot in the past few years. Technological advances and evolving ways of working present new opportunities - and challenges - for teens as they plan for their future. Join Foothills Academy teacher and career development advisor, Laurel Braun, as she empowers adult allies to play […]


The Science and Practice of Identifying Specific Learning Disabilities

Online Meeting

What method is best for identifying learning disabilities? A new consensus is emerging! The 2004 reauthorization of IDEA allowed for new methods of specific learning disability identification. Twenty years later, the field continues to be divided on what method is “best” and the literature would suggest that the Response to Intervention (RTI) and Patterns of […]


Smart Money Habits for People with ADHD

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Otto Rivera, CFP Smart money management eludes ADHD brains for various neurological and psychological reasons. Emotional dysregulation and dopamine-seeking ADHD brains can drive impulsive spending — an unhelpful coping mechanism. Executive functioning weaknesses can get in the way of paying bills on time, budgeting, and planning for financial success. And weak working memory may mean buying (and losing) […]


Top Ten AI Tools for Academic Success

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Keith Senzer, ADHD and Executive Function Coach Join us as we present Keith Senzer, ADHD and Executive Function Coach, to learn how to use the power of AI to improve executive functioning and motivation by streamlining task management, improving focus, and providing personalized reminders. Get specific examples of how each tool can allow students […]


Advocacy 101: Easy habits that will make you a better IEP advocate

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Lisa Lightner Join us for a Dysgraphia Life webinar with Lisa Lightner, Special Education Advocate from A Day in Our Shoes! Lisa will provide tips on how to navigate the school system and advocate for a student with specific learning disability in written expression. Click on Event Website Link below to register and learn […]


We Define ADHD! Empowering Ways to Frame Our Awesome Brains

Online Meeting

EXPERTS: Kim & Penn Holderness In this webinar, we will explore core ADHD strengths such as creativity, curiosity, problem-solving skills, and resilience with Penn and Kim Holderness, authors of the book ADHD Is Awesome: A Guide To (Mostly) Thriving With ADHD. Along the way, we will also celebrate some of the ways our ADHD brains make us […]


Rethinking Brain-Computer Interface Communication for Children with Complex Needs

Owerko Center, University of Calgary 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

EXPERTS:  Dr. Beverly Collisson & Dr. Eli Kinney-Lang Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) offer a new way for children and youth with complex needs to interact with their world by just using their brains. This talk focuses on the fundamentals of brain-computer interfaces for children, how they differ from findings coming out in the adult BCI world, […]


A Patient’s Guide to Talking with Your Doctor About ADHD and Menopause

Online Meeting

EXPERT:  Lotta Borg Skoglund, M.D., Ph.D. Brain fog, emotional meltdowns, and fear of dementia. Perimenopausal women with ADHD face these and myriad other challenges to brain and body due to hormonal changes during their final reproductive years.  However, many researchers and clinicians continue to dismiss patients’ concerns saying that “there are no studies exploring adult or older […]


Calgary Post-secondary Event

Foothills Academy Community Services 745 - 37 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

EXPERT: Educational Liaison Association of Alberta (ELAA) Where is your teen going after high school? If you are looking to explore post-secondary and other career paths, this is the event for your family. Join other parents and recent or soon-to-be graduates and find out what Alberta universities and colleges, the Canadian Armed Forces and the […]


Raising Awareness of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Dr. Pauline Kamps This session is designed to bring awareness to this condition & highlight some key points about DCD. Topics discussed in the presentation include: How my background, life experiences, unique training, & inquisitive mind led me to learn about DCD & its high prevalence rates The information & surprising trends of DCD […]


Edmonton ADHD Conference

Woodvale Facility and Clubhouse 4540 50 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta

Come join us at the ADHD Insights Conference! This in-person event will be held at the Woodvale Facility and Clubhouse. Get ready to dive into the latest research, strategies, and tools for managing ADHD. Whether you're a parent, educator, healthcare professional, or in anyway affected by ADHD this conference is packed with valuable insights and practical tips. […]


Targeting ADHD

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Bani Puri Spend 30 minutes with Bani Puri, Program Manager at Foothills Academy Society to discuss ADHD myths, its impact on academics and strategies to build success at school. Understanding ADHD is crucial for supporting student success and enhancing your confidence as an education professional. Click on Event Website Link below to register and […]


Why More Girls Suffer From Depression and How to Support Them

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Dr. Lindsay Henderson, Dr. Omar Gudiño, and Dr. Dionne Smith Coker-Appiah According to a recent CDC report, 6 in 10 high school girls have experienced “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” — making teen girls​ twice as likely as boys to suffer from depression. And studies show that antidepressant prescriptions for adolescent girls increased by 129.6% between 2020 […]


Advancements in Anxiety Care: The Next-Gen Treatments Symposium

Online Meeting

EXPERTS: Rachel Klein, PhD, Daniel Pine, MD, Chad Sylvester, MD, PhD The 2024 On the Shoulders of Giants Scientific Symposium will explore the rapidly evolving landscape of anxiety care and the transformative potential of next-generation treatments. The event will honor the work of this year’s winner of the Sarah Gund Prize for Research and Mentorship […]


How DBT Promotes Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Mindfulness

Online Meeting

EXPERT:   Scott Spradlin, LPC Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an effective treatment for improving emotional regulation in adults with ADHD.  DBT aims to improve emotional dysregulation through four basic skills modules: core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT modified for adult ADHD also integrates skills that improve executive function. In this webinar, you will […]


Cultivating Resilience and Flourishing in Everyday Life

Owerko Center, University of Calgary 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

EXPERTS:  Dr. Suzanne Tough, Dr. Zahra Clayborne, Dr. Jessica-Lynn Walsh, Dr. Kara Murias; University of Calgary, Cummings School of Medicine, Owerko Centre & Alberta Children's Hospital Cultivating resilience and flourishing in everyday life: All Our Families study update and synthesizing research to meet community needs The All Our Families Study is a longitudinal cohort study […]


Executive Function Essentials: Building Routines for Sustained Success

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Joel Singer, Ph.D. Join us as we present Joel Singer, Ph.D. to learn how to create the optimal learning environment for your child at home, discovering what works best for them, and build habits and routines to support sustained success.  Identify your child’s individual learning style Create a learning space that works Empower your […]


Conscious Dating with ADHD: How to Avoid Toxic Relationships and Find Your Ideal Match

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Amie Leadingham Dating fires up the dopamine that ADHD brains crave. Developing a relationship is new, exciting, and sometimes all-consuming — all of which can create elation and/or a perfect storm for ADHD traits like impulsivity, emotional sensitivity, and hyperfocus to ignite a fire. In this webinar, we’ll explore the complexities of online dating profiles and connections, […]


Empowering Students with Disabilities: Harnessing AI for Success

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Michelle Deal, Director of Learning Technologies R&D at Landmark College Join Michelle Deal for an interactive session on using AI tools as strategies to support students with learning disabilities in areas such reading, writing, focus, time management, and organization. Explore how students can design prompts for AIs to personalize their unique learning needs and […]


Annual ADHD Conference 2024: Connect Learn, Thrive

Anaheim, CA CA, United States

ACO, ADDA, and CHADD—the leaders in ADHD support for individuals and families—welcome the ADHD community to the 2024 Annual International Conference on ADHD. These organizations collaborate to bring together the best minds in current research and treatment options and professionals offering best practice guidelines for their fields. #ADHD2024 will offer dynamic sessions and events featuring practical support […]


Putting Working Memory to Work to Support Student Learning

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Rick Bryck, Ph.D., Senior Director, Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT)  Description: Working Memory (WM) is considered a fundamental executive function. It serves as a gatekeeper to information processing and thus knowledge acquisition. This session will review fundamental attributes of WM, including its limitations, connections to learning, and the related concept of […]


Managing ADHD and Emotion Dysregulation with Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Lauren Allerhand, Psy.D. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment designed to help individuals who struggle with emotional dysregulation, aggression, self-harm, and other problem behaviors. DBT is an intensive, highly structured program that was originally created for adults in the 1970s and has since been adapted for children and adolescents. It can be an […]


Navigating Complexities of ADHD & Chronic Illness

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Sherry Heathcote, RN, AACC Join Sherry Heathcote, "The ADHD Nurse" to learn about the interconnection of ADHD and chronic illness, understand the role executive function plays and discover strategies to help you manage more effectively. Click on Event Website link below to register and learn more.


Learning to Love Math: Math Anxiety and Social Emotional Learning

Foothills Academy Community Services 745 - 37 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

EXPERT: Lindsey Bingley and Kathleen Phelan Math anxiety can prevent students from engaging in math. Using social emotional learning, teachers and parents can create an environment where math is playful, mistakes are expected, and students can learn to love math. Everyone can do math and every person is a math person! In this engaging session, […]


The Edmonton Conference on Behavioural, Developmental & Emotional Challenges with Children & Adolescents

Royal Hotel West Edmonton 10010 - 178 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

EXPERTS: Presented by Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D. and Lynne Kenney, Psy.D. and Caroline Buzanko, Ph.D., R. Psych and Pamela Malkoff Hayes, MFT, LMHC, LPC, ATR-BC 3 full days of in-person or live-streamed workshops to enhance your toolbox with a range of proven strategies in dealing with dysregulated children and teens. Choose from sessions dealing with violent and aggressive youth, to school anxiety, art therapy and more. […]


How to Manage Executive Function and Working Memory Challenges: A Guide for Adults with ADHD

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Dr. Peg Dawson Running late again? Missing appointments and deadlines? Losing focus and motivation for tasks? And where did you put those car keys? It’s no secret that people with ADHD often bear the burden of living with these and other functional impairments caused by executive function (EF) weaknesses. In this webinar, you will learn: […]


Balancing the Invisible Load of Work & Family

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Terry Matlen, LMSW, ACSW If you’re a mom with ADHD, and you feel overwhelmed by the daily chaos of getting kids off to school, managing piles of clutter, planning meals, and juggling household chores with after-school activities, doctor appointments, and more — regardless of whether you work outside the home — then you won’t […]