How to Manage Executive Function and Working Memory Challenges: A Guide for Adults with ADHD
EXPERT: Dr. Peg Dawson Running late again? Missing appointments and deadlines? Losing focus and motivation for tasks? And where did you put those car keys? It’s no secret that people […]
Smart Money Habits for People with ADHD
EXPERT: Otto Rivera, CFP Smart money management eludes ADHD brains for various neurological and psychological reasons. Emotional dysregulation and dopamine-seeking ADHD brains can drive impulsive spending — an unhelpful coping mechanism. Executive functioning weaknesses […]
How to Organize a Messy Home: Strategies for Clutter and Stress in ADHD Families
EXPERT: Tracy McCubbin Few things cause more strife in a household than clutter and disorganization. When a home is messy, and things are hard to find, it can make everyone feel […]
It’s About Time! Planning, Prioritizing, and Time-Management Solutions for Students
EXPERT: Sharon Saline, Psy.D. Each Fall, many families dive headfirst into big ideas for doing things differently in the new school year… only to see those hopes and ambitions unravel before […]