Calgary PADRA Event
Transitioning to Post-secondary Education for Students with Disabilities is a free event for any prospective post-secondary student, their families, teachers and guidance counsellors in Calgary. Find out about: accessing accommodations […]
Gap Year Pros and Cons for Neurodivergent Students
EXPERT: Carolyn K. Jeppsen Some high school seniors, particularly those with ADHD who have experienced persistent academic stress, may benefit from taking a gap year before they begin college, a […]
Accessibility Services 101: Supporting Student Success at SAIT
Join in-person for an informational session to learn about Accessibility Services at SAIT. This session is designed for students and their parents or support people. Topics include: The Accessibility Services […]
SAIT/UAU Disability Resource Fair
Navigating the Transition to Postsecondary for Neurodiverse Students
Join us for this insightful workshop designed to support neurodiverse students and their families as they prepare for life beyond high school. This event will feature a panel of experts, […]
Advocating for Yourself in Post-Secondary

Did you have accommodations in high school? Extra time on tests, a quiet testing space, extensions on assignments, or the use of assistive technology like speech-to-text software or a screen […]