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ADHD in Preschool: Early Diagnosis & Intervention for Young Children

Online Meeting

EXPERTS: Alexis Bancroft, Ph.D., Cynthia Martin, Psy.D. What are the signs of ADHD in a preschooler? Can preschoolers be diagnosed with ADHD? Research suggests that symptoms of ADHD can emerge in young children. In fact, to qualify for an ADHD diagnosis under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), the symptoms must be present before the age of […]


Read/Write & Math Program Registration Opens

Online Meeting

Is your child experience a gap in their learning? Difficulties with reading, spelling, writing or math? Foothills Academy Community Services offers Intensive and Booster programs with Fall registration starting on August 13.  Children who are diagnosed with a Learning Disability (such as Dyslexia) in reading or writing (or suspected of a Learning Disability) benefit from direct and […]


Back To School Toolkit for ADHD

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Ann Dolin, M.Ed Unrelenting patterns of disorganization, procrastination, and late assignments wear down and discourage many parents of students with ADHD as the school year grinds on. But it doesn’t have to be this way! As we embark on a fresh new autumn, it’s important to recognize that these ADHD struggles bring with them opportunities for academic […]


ADHD Across the Lifespan: How Symptoms Evolve and Fluctuate

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Maggie Sibley, Ph.D. We now know that ADHD may emerge later in life in some individuals, and we have insight into factors that impact earlier versus later onset presentations. We also understand that very few people experience a form of ADHD that is always severe and debilitating. Instead, most people appear to experience a fluctuating course through […]


Social Media’s Role in Youth Mental Health

Online Meeting

The Child Mind Institute’s Technology & Youth Mental Health Series has convened a panel of experienced researchers, advocates, and tech thinkers to explore the interplay between technology, youth mental health, and public policy with the goal of identifying challenges in advancing ecological research and scoping out possible solutions. In this session, we will explore what the existing […]


Transform Handwriting Struggles with OT Techniques for Home

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Polly Benson Handwriting is a critical skill that plays a significant role in a child’s academic success. However, many children face challenges, like dysgraphia, that make writing a frustrating and difficult task. This webinar will equip you with expert strategies to transform these struggles into success, using techniques that can be easily practiced at […]


It’s About Time! Planning, Prioritizing, and Time-Management Solutions for Students

Online Meeting

EXPERT: Sharon Saline, Psy.D. Each Fall, many families dive headfirst into big ideas for doing things differently in the new school year… only to see those hopes and ambitions unravel before Halloween.  In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline will show you how to change self-defeating cycles by improving key executive functioning skills related to productivity for students. Many children […]